David Crisafulli pledges ‘generational infrastructure’ with Brisbane Olympics

The Brisbane Olympics will provide an opportunity to build “generational infrastructure”, according to Queensland’s opposition leader David Crisafulli.

It has now been more than 900 days since the games were awarded to us,” Crisafulli said to Sky News presenter Caleb Bond.

For the past 900 days, all we have heard from the government is about a new sports stadium, a lavish party for the wealthy and the famous and who will get the best tickets. This is not my priority, and it is not what the people of Queensland want.

I would like to reassure Queenslanders that my priorities will not be focused on stadiums, but generational infrastructure to ensure that every corner of this great state is better for future generations.

According to a recent survey conducted by The Courier Mail, 66% of respondents do not support Brisbane Olympic 2032.