Exploring the Benefits of Taking a Daily Multivitamin

In this age of instant gratification, people are always looking for quick solutions to their problems. This is especially true when it comes to health. The need for quick fixes has led to the consumption of multivitamins. Multivitamins are often used to fill nutritional gaps due to poor lifestyle habits and poor diet. Self-medication with a mixture of B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and calcium has become a common habit. However, under the surface, there is a growing concern. This is because there is a lack of knowledge about the real medical needs of these supplements and the risks associated with un-informed self-medication.

How to Spot Signs of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies?

Diagnosing specific vitamin or mineral deficiencies can be difficult, as the symptoms 

can vary and may overlap with other health conditions. For example, a deficiency in vitamin D could cause increased tiredness, muscle weakness and bone pain, especially in people who don’t get enough sun exposure. A deficiency in iron could make you feel tired, weak and paler. A deficiency in vitamin B12 could cause tiredness, weakness and tingling in your fingers and toes. Low calcium levels could cause muscle cramps and brittle nails. A vitamin C deficiency could cause gum bleeding and light bruising. A magnesium deficiency could cause muscle cramping and irregular heartbeat. A low potassium level could cause muscle weakness and irregular heartbeat. If you suspect a vitamin or mineral deficiency, it’s best to speak to a healthcare professional, as subsequent blood tests can provide a more precise diagnosis, and personalized advice on dietary changes or supplements can be tailored to your individual needs.

How Everyday Foods Can Be Your Best Source of Nutrients

Including a wide variety of foods with different nutritional profiles in your diet will help you get more of the nutrients you need.

Keep in mind that whole foods absorb nutrients more effectively than supplements.

Adopting a varied and colorful diet that provides a wide range of PHYTochemicals and Antioxidants is vital for your overall health.

Vitamin D: Sun exposure is the most effective vitamin D booster, and you can find small amounts of vitamin D in fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolk, fortified dairy products, and lean meats and poultry.

Vitamin B12: You can get vitamin B12 from meat and fish, dairy products, eggs, fortified foods like cereals, and fortified milk alternatives.

Calcium: You can get calcium from dairy, fortified plant milk, and tofu.

Vitamin C: You can get Vitamin C from citrus fruits and strawberries, and kiwi and bell peppers, as well as tomatoes and broccoli.

Magnesium: You can get magnesium from nuts, seeds and whole grains, as well as legumes and leafy greens. You can also get magnesium from fish and milk alternatives like milk and yogurt.

Iron: You can get iron from leafy green and beetroot.

At the same time, however, the quality of the food we consume, changes in dietary habits, and a decrease in nutrient absorption as we get older, resulting in multiple deficiencies, also require additional supplements.

Since most of these vitamins can’t be made in your body, you’ll need to take them through your diet. The need for vitamins increases during pregnancy and lactation, when your body needs to be replenished with adequate amounts. Other conditions that necessitate vitamin supplementation include malnutrition, chronic alcohol abuse, malabsorption and bariatric surgery. Inborn errors of metabolism and patients on hemodialysis are other conditions that require vitamin supplementation.

Multivitamins are generally safe to take as directed, as long as you stick to the recommended daily dosage. However, if you take too many multivitamins, you may experience side effects such as high calcium levels, kidney stones, and other health problems.

Vitamins are prescribed by doctors for a variety of reasons. For example, pregnant women may be given folic acid to help prevent certain birth defects. People with weak bones may be given vitamin D.

If you are deficient in vitamin B12, a prescription may be necessary to prevent problems such as nerve damage and anemia.

What could happen when you self-medicate?

Here’s the rub: there is no “right” way to take multivitamins. Multivitamins are best for general health, but it’s hard to take them if you’re not eating well. That’s why it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before taking those over the counter vitamins. Everyone’s body is different, and a doctor can help you understand what’s best for you.