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The Positive Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Health

Bariatric surgical interventions for severe obesity have been shown to significantly improve cardiovascular health. Bariatric surgery does more than just help you lose weight; it has been shown to significantly reduce your risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery can significantly reduce your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Bariatric surgery also has been shown to improve your insulin resistance, which can lead to a lower risk of heart disease. Bariatric surgery not only helps you lose weight, but it also has positive effects on adipose tissue and inflammation, as well as metabolic regulation. By understanding the cardiovascular benefits, it’s easy to see how bariatric surgery can be a comprehensive approach to treating both obesity and its associated cardiovascular complications.

Weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, can really help your heart health. Dr. Ankit Potdar from SRV Hospitals in Goregaon explains how bariatric surgery can have a positive effect on your heart health.

Weight loss: Bariatric surgery helps you lose weight over a long period of time by controlling your eating habits or by preventing malabsorption of nutrients. This weight loss can help reduce several risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as insulin resistance.

Improved lipid profile: Bariatric surgery improves lipid profiles by lowering total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Blood pressure control: This can result in a decrease in blood pressure, thereby improving the management of hypertension. A decrease in blood pressure reduces the stress on the heart and arteries, thus decreasing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

Reduced Inflammation: The surgery has also been linked to a decrease in inflammatory markers. Inflammation is linked to a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A decrease in inflammation helps to improve cardiovascular health.
Diabetes: Bariatric surgery helps to improve glycemic control. Bariatric surgery is especially effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in obese and type 2 diabetic patients.

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