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Maximising Business Profits and Ensuring Pet Safety During Pre-New Year’s Eve Fireworks

As the world celebrates the end of 2023 and the start of a new year, the world’s fireworks industry is in full swing. The festivities will come to a close on December 31, 2023, when fireworks will light up the night sky for a spectacular display.

The Hawaiian Humane Society urges pet owners to get their pets microchipped as a way to prevent them from running away from home due to the noise of the fireworks.

The Fireworks Industry and Pet Safety

Fireworks, also known as Fireworks, have been a part of New Year’s Eve celebrations for many years. Their bright displays and loud booms usher in the new year, ushering in a new year full of hope and renewal.

But the same fireworks that bring joy to people can also bring fear to pets. The noise can scare animals and make them run away.

That’s why the Hawaii Humane Society is encouraging pet owners to get their pets microchipped before the New Year. A microchip is a small electronic chip that provides a permanent way to identify your pet. If your pet gets lost during the festivities, having a microchip will help reunite your pet with their owner.

Additional Precautions and Measures

In addition to microchipping your dog or cat, the Society also suggests keeping your pet indoors during the fireworks show and talking to your vet about sedation medications if needed.

The veterinarian at VCA animal hospitals also recommends adding tracking devices to your pet’s collars for extra safety. The goal is to keep your four-legged friends safe while you’re out enjoying the festivities.

Crackdown on Illegal Fireworks

As the countdown to New Year’s Eve approaches, the illegal fireworks task force remains on high alert. The authorities recently confiscated a large quantity of illegal fireworks from a shipping container, highlighting the ongoing effort to ensure celebrations are safe and legal.

With the clock ticking on the new year, it’s time to start celebrating responsibly, not just for our own safety but for the safety of our furry friends and the community at large.

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